1. 2. W. Elber (1971 ) The significance of fatigue crack closure . ASTM STP 486, pp. 230 -242 .
2. 3. J. Schijve (1979 ) The stress ratio effect on fatigue crack growth in 2024-T3 alclad and the relation to crack closure . Delft University of Technology, MemorandumM -336 .
3. 4. H. F. Hardrath, J. C. Newman, W. Elber, and C. C. Poe (1978 ) Recent developments in analysis of crack propagation and fracture of practical materials. NASA TM 78 766.
4. 5. H. L. Ewalds (1976 ) The effect of stress ratio and maximum stress on fatigue crack propagation in 2024-T3 alclad sheet material. Delft University Technological Report AM 37 601.