1. 1. J. Schijve, F. A. Jacobs, and A. E. Meulman (1978 ) Flight simulation fatigue tests on lugs with holes expanded according to the split-sleeve cold work method . NLR-TR-78131 U.
2. On improving the fatigue performance of a double-shear lap joint
3. 3. J. Pearson-Smith, and J. M. Potter (1984 ) Effect of variations in coldworking repair procedures on flaw growth and structural life . AFWAL-TR-82-3030.
4. 4. J. L. Phillips (1973 ) Fatigue improvement by sleeve cold working . SAE Pap. No. 730905.
5. 5. T. K. Moore (1978 ) The influence of hole processing and joint variables on the fatigue life of shear joints . AFML-TR-77-167, 1 .