1. 1. W. J. Plumbridge, M. E. Dalski, and P. J. Castle Microstructural changes during high strain fatigue of Type 316 stainless steel. To be published.
2. 2. K. Kanazawa, and S. Yoshida (1973 ) Effect of temperature and strain rate on the high temperature low cycle fatigue behaviour of austenitic stainless steels, Int. Conf. on Creep and Fatigue in Elevated Temperature Applications, Philadelphia 1973 and Sheffield 1974. Paper 226.
3. 3. C. F. Etienne, W. Dortland, and H. B. Zeedijk (1973 ) On the capability of austenitic steel to withstand cyclic deformations during service at elevated temperatures, Ibid. Paper 225.
4. Estimates of Creep-Fatigue Interaction in Irradiated and Unirradiated Austenitic Stainless Steels
5. Creep-fatigue interaction in austenitic stainless steels