1. 1. Department ofhealth andSocialSecurity. Lead and Health, HMSO, 1980 .
2. 2. Department of theEnvironment., Lead in Drinking Water - A survey in Great Britain 1975-6 .Pollution Paper No. 12, 1977 .
3. 3. Department of theEnvironment. Report of the Expert Advisory Group on Costs. Lead in Potable Water.Technical Note No. 4, 1981 . (Official Use Only.).
4. 4. Department of theEnvironment. Report of the Expert Advisory Group on Identification and Monitoring. Lead in Potable Water.Technical Note No. 1, 1980 . (Official Use Only.).
5. 5. P. J. Jackson, and I. Sheiham, Calculation of Lead Solubility in Water .WRc Technical Repon TR 152. 1980 .