1. (2)J. S. Alabaster, and R. Lloyd, Water Quality Criteria for Freshwater Fish . Butterworths, London, 1980 , 283pp .
2. (3)Council of European Communities . Council Directive on the quality of freshwaters needing protection or improvement in order to support fish life (78/659/EEC) . Official JournalL222 , 1978 .
3. (4)National Rivers Authority . The Quality of Rivers, Canals and Estuaries in England and Wales. Water Quality Series No 4. 1991 .
4. (5)German Standard Methods for the Examination of Water, Wastewater and Sludge . Sludge and Sediments (Groups) Determination of Leachability by Water. (S4) DIN 38 414, part 4.