Ethanol stability in unpreserved refrigerated antemortem blood


Kosecki Patrick Allan1,Canonico Erika1,Abbott Lori1


1. Scottsdale Police Department Crime Laboratory Scottsdale Arizona USA


AbstractEthanol stability in preserved antemortem blood has been widely studied since it is a common practice in cases involving suspected impaired driving to collect antemortem blood in evacuated blood tubes containing sodium fluoride. In some situations, antemortem blood is submitted to a forensic laboratory for ethanol analysis in evacuated blood tubes that contain only an anticoagulant. There has been limited research on ethanol stability in antemortem blood stored without a preservative. On two occasions, antemortem blood was collected from five ethanol‐free individuals into 6‐ml Vacutainer® tubes containing only 10.8 mg potassium EDTA. The blood tubes were spiked with ethanol to approximately either 0.08 or 0.15 g/dl. Dual‐FID headspace gas chromatography was used to analyze 58 blood tubes, 29 from each session, for ethanol 1 day after sample collection and again after 1 year of refrigerated storage (~4°C). Statistically significant decreases in ethanol were detected at the 0.05 level of significance. Mean decreases in ethanol after 1 year of storage for the 0.08 and 0.15 g/dl samples were 0.013 and 0.010 g/dl, respectively. The mean ethanol decrease across all tubes was 0.012 g/dl. The range of decreases for the 58 blood tubes was 0.003–0.018 g/dl. The mean ethanol decreases measured in this unpreserved antemortem blood are comparable in magnitude to those previously observed in antemortem blood containing sodium fluoride after 1 year of refrigerated storage. Ethanol did not increase in the antemortem blood samples despite the absence of sodium fluoride.




Genetics,Pathology and Forensic Medicine

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