Requirements for human natural killer cells


Niu Shuaishuai12345,Xia Chengxiang5,Huang Dehao2,Wang Lei12345,Hu Hongbo6ORCID,Yu Shuyang7,Wu Ning8,Dong Zhongjun9,Zhou Jiaxi3410,Wu Jun1511,Yu Junying3412,Zhang Ying12ORCID,Wang Changlin3413,Fu Boqiang3414,Cao Jiani12345,Liang Lingmin123411,Xu Lingxue11115,Chen Ling11115,Zhou Qi12345ORCID,Ma Aijin3416,Zhao Tongbiao12345ORCID,Hao Jie12345ORCID,Wang Jinyong2511


1. National Stem Cell Resource Center Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences Beijing China

2. State Key Laboratory of Stem Cell and Reproductive Biology Institute of Zoology, Institute for Stem Cell and Regeneration, Chinese Academy of Sciences Beijing China

3. Standards Committee, Chinese Society for Stem Cell Research, Chinese Society for Cell Biology Shanghai China

4. Chinese Society for Stem Cell Research Shanghai China

5. Beijing Institute for Stem Cell and Regenerative Medicine Beijing China

6. Center for Hematology and Immunology, Cancer Center, State Key Laboratory of Biotherapy, West China Hospital Sichuan University Chengdu China

7. State Key Laboratory of Animal Biotech Breeding, College of Biological Sciences China Agricultural University Beijing China

8. Department of Immunology, School of Basic Medicine, Tongji Medical College Huazhong University of Science and Technology Wuhan China

9. State Key Laboratory of Membrane Biology, School of Medicine and Institute for Immunology Tsinghua University Beijing China

10. State Key Laboratory of Experimental Hematology, National Clinical Research Center for Blood Diseases, Haihe Laboratory of Cell Ecosystem Institute of Hematology & Blood Diseases Hospital, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences & Peking Union Medical College Tianjin China

11. University of Chinese Academy of Sciences Beijing China

12. Nuwacell Biotechnology Co., Ltd Hefei City Anhui Province China

13. China National Institute of Standardization China

14. National Institute of Metrology Beijing China

15. Savaid Medical School University of Chinese Academy of Sciences Beijing China

16. Beijing Technology and Business University Beijing China


Abstract‘Requirements for Human Natural Killer Cells’ is the latest set of guidelines on human NK cells in China, jointly drafted and agreed upon by experts from the Standards Committee of Chinese Society for Cell Biology. This standard specifies requirements for the human natural killer (NK) cells, including the technical requirements, test methods, test regulations, instructions for use, labeling requirements, packaging requirements, storage and transportation requirements, and waste disposal requirements of NK cells. This standard is applicable for the quality control of NK cells, derived from human tissues, or differentiated/transdifferentiated from stem cells. It was originally released by the Chinese Society for Cell Biology on 30 August, 2022. We hope that the publication of these guidelines will promote institutional establishment, acceptance, and execution of proper protocols and accelerate the international standardization of human NK cells for applications.




Cell Biology,General Medicine







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