1. School of Biological and Chemical Sciences; Queen Mary University of London; Mile End Road; London; E1 4NS; UK
2. The GenePool; Ashworth Laboratories; King's Buildings; University of Edinburgh; Edinburgh; EH9 3JT; UK
3. Highland Birchwoods; Littleburn Road, Munlochy; Ross-shire; IV8 8NN; UK
4. School of Biology; University of St Andrews; St Andrews; Fife; KY16 9TH; UK
5. McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research; University of Cambridge; Downing Street; Cambridge; CB2 3ER; UK
6. Trees for Life; The Park; Findhorn Bay; Forres; IV36 3TZ; UK
7. Jodrell Laboratory; Royal Botanic Gardens; Kew, Richmond; Surrey; TW9 3AB; UK