1. Continuing medical education in Vietnam: New legislation and new roles for medical schools
2. Circular No. 41/2011/TT‐BYT dated on 14/11/2011 of the Minister of health about regulations on license issuing for health practitioners and health institutions. (Available fromhttp://vanban.chinhphu.vn/portal/page/portal/chinhphu/hethongvanban?class_xml:id=1&_page=1&mode=detail&document_xml:id=153943(The Government Portal of Socialist Republic of Vietnam in Vietnamese) [1 Sept 2013].
3. Circular No. 22/2013/TT‐BYT dated on 19/8/2013 of the Minister of Health about Regulations on continuing medical education for health staffs. (Available fromhttp://congbao.chinhphu.vn/noi-dung-van-ban-so-22-2013-tt-byt-7971). (The Government Portal of Socialist Republic of Vietnam in Vietnamese) [1 Sept 2013].
4. Circular No.16/2014/TT‐BYT dated on 22/5/2014 of the Minister of health about piloting family doctors and family medicine clinic models at 8 provinces and cities in Vietnam. (Available fromhttp://vanban.chinhphu.vn/portal/page/portal/chinhphu/hethongvanban?mode=detail&document_xml:id=174422) (The Government Portal of Socialist Republic of Vietnam in Vietnamese) [1 June 2014].
5. Decision No.1568/QĐ‐BYT dated on 27/4/2016 of the Minister of Health about expanding and developing family medicine clinic models in Vietnam in the period 2016–2020. (Available fromhttps://kcb.vn/vanban/quyet-dinh-1568qd-byt-ngay-2742016-phe-duyet-ke-hoach-nhan-rong-va-phat-trien-mo-hinh-phong-kham-bac-si-gia-dinh-tai-viet-nam-giai-doan-2016-2020) (The official portal of Ministry of Health of Vietnam in Vietnamese) [1 June 2016].