1. Animal Ecology; Alterra, Wageningen UR; P.O. Box 47 6700 AA Wageningen The Netherlands
2. Conservation Genetics Group; Senckenberg Research Institute and Natural History Museum Frankfurt; Clamecystrasse 12 63571 Gelnhausen Germany
3. Department of Biology; Biotechnical Faculty; University of Ljubljana; Večna pot 111 Ljubljana 1000 Slovenia
4. Department of Bioscience, Kalø; Aarhus University; Grenåvej 14 8410 Rønde Denmark
5. Department of Biology, Genetics and Physiology; University of Oulu; P.O. Box 3000 90014 Oulu Finland
6. Department of Ecology and Evolution; Laboratory for Conservation Biology; Biophore Building; University of Lausanne; 1015 Lausanne Switzerland
7. Research Center in Biodiversity and Genetic Resources; CIBIO/InBio; Campus Agrário de Vairão 4485-661 Vairão Portugal
8. Department of Biology; Faculty of Sciences; University of Porto; Rua do Campo Alegre s/n 4169-007 Porto Portugal
9. Department of Zoology; Faculty of Sciences; University of Johannesburg; Auckland Park 2006 Johannesburg South Africa
10. Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU); Grimsö Wildlife Research Station SE-730 91 Riddarhyttan Sweden
11. Parco Naturale Alpi Marittime; Centro Gestione e Conservazione Grandi Carnivori; Piazza Regina Elena 30 12010 Valdieri Italy
12. Institute of Genetics and Biotechnology; Faculty of Biology; University of Warsaw; Pawińskiego 5a 02-106 Warszawa Poland
13. Association for Nature ‘Wolf’; Twardorzeczka 229 34-324 Lipowa Poland
14. School of Life Sciences; University of Lincoln; Green Lane Lincoln LN6 7DL UK
15. Laboratorio di Genetica; Istituto Superiore per la Protezione e la Ricerca Ambientale (ISPRA); Via Cà Fornacetta 9 40064 Ozzano dell'Emilia (BO) Italy
16. Aalborg University; Department 18/Section of Environmental Engineering; Sohngårdsholmsvej 57 9000 Aalborg Denmark
17. LUPUS - German Institute for Wolf Monitoring and Research; Dorfstraße 20 02979 Spreewitz Germany
18. Polish Academy of Sciences; Institute of Nature Conservation; Mickiewicza 33 31-120 Kraków Poland
19. Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique; Laboratoire d'Ecologie Alpine (LECA); F-38000 Grenoble France
20. Université Grenoble Alpes; Laboratoire d'Ecologie Alpine (LECA); F-38000 Grenoble France
21. Doñana Biological Station (EBD-CSIC); Avenida Americo Vespucio s/n 41092 Sevilla Spain