The genotype list string code syntax for exchanging nomenclature‐level genotyping results in clinical and research data management and analysis systems


Mack Steven J.1ORCID,Sauter Jürgen2ORCID,Robinson James34ORCID,Osoegawa Kazutoyo5ORCID,McKenzie Lloyd6,Schneider Joel7ORCID,Maiers Martin7ORCID,Milius Robert P.7ORCID


1. Department of Pediatrics University of California, San Francisco Oakland California USA

2. DKMS Tübingen Germany

3. Anthony Nolan Research Institute London UK

4. UCL Cancer Institute London UK

5. Histocompatibility & Immunogenetics Laboratory Stanford Blood Center, Stanford Health Care Palo Alto California USA

6. Dogwood Health Consulting British Columbia Canada

7. National Marrow Donor Program Minneapolis Minnesota USA


The nomenclatures used to describe HLA and killer‐cell immunoglobulin‐like receptor (KIR) alleles distinguish unique nucleotide and peptide sequences, and patterns of expression, but are insufficient for describing genotyping results, as description of ambiguities and relations across loci require terminology beyond allele names. The genotype list (GL) String grammar describes genotyping results for genetic systems with defined nomenclatures, like HLA and KIR, documenting what is known and unknown about a given genotyping result. However, the accuracy of a GL String is dependent on the reference database version under which it was generated. Here, we describe the GL string code (GLSC) system, which associates each GL String with meta‐data describing the specific reference context in which the GL String was created, and in which it should be interpreted. GLSC is a defined syntax for exchanging GL Strings in the context of a specific gene‐family namespace, allele‐name code‐system, and pertinent reference database version. GLSC allows HLA and KIR genotyping data to be transmitted, parsed and interpreted in the appropriate context, in an unambiguous manner, on modern data‐systems, including Health Level 7 Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resource systems. Technical specification for GLSC can be found at


National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases

Office of Naval Research

Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology




Genetics,Immunology,Immunology and Allergy

Reference30 articles.

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3. Nomenclature for factors of the HL–a system;Bull World Health Organ,1968

4. Genetic and Functional Relationships between MHC and NK Receptor Genes

5. Nature of polymorphism in HLA-A, -B, and -C molecules.







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