Population size and social structure of lions in a west African protected area


Gueye Malle12ORCID,Pellaton Raoul2,Van Cauteren Dorien2ORCID,Mengual Lisa2,Van Dongen Stefan2,Leirs Herwig2,Bertola Laura D.3,Faye Papa Mor4,Diop Babacar5,Diop Maniang Mamadoune5,Kanté Abdoulaye6,de Iongh Hans27


1. Department of HydroSciences and Environment University Iba Der Thiam of Thies Thies Senegal

2. Department of Biology University of Antwerp Wilrijk Belgium

3. Department of Biology University of Copenhagen Copenhagen Denmark

4. Direction of Communautary Marine Protected Area Dakar Senegal

5. Direction of National Park Dakar Senegal

6. Niokolo Ecoguide Association Niokolo Koba National Park Tambacounda Senegal

7. Institute of Environmental Sciences Leiden Leiden The Netherlands


AbstractTo inform the conservation of the Regionally Critically Endangered West African lion, we studied lion population size and social structure in Niokolo Koba National Park (NKNP), Senegal. Calling station and camera trap surveys were conducted and opportunistic lion observations were documented from 2015 to 2020. The average lion density was calculated as 0.50 lion/100 km2 and the population size was estimated as 28–56 individuals. Average lion group size was 2.1 ± 1.45 lions (range 1–8 lions). There were no significant differences between observations of single individuals (43%), groups of two (22%), three (19%), four (4%) and more than four (5%) individual lions (X2 = 30.021, p‐value = 0.06452). Sex ratio showed a ratio of male:female of 1:1.1 to 1:2.8. About 13.59% of the lion population was composed of cubs while, respectively, 81.22% and 5.17% were adults and subadults. Based on the analysis of activity patterns, lions in NKNP are mainly nocturno‐crepuscular (18:00–01:00) and matutinal (06:00–08:00). Lion population size and density are still low in NKNP compared to earlier estimates from the same area, in the late 1990s. We therefore conclude that the conservation of lions in NKNP must be further improved to safeguard this population in the long term.






Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics

Reference60 articles.








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