Association between serum hepcidin-25 and primary resistance to erythropoiesis-stimulating agents in chronic kidney disease: a secondary analysis of the HERO trial


Gummer Joel1,Trengove Robert1,Pascoe Elaine M.2,Badve Sunil V.23,Cass Alan24,Clarke Philip5,McDonald Stephen P.6,Morrish Alicia T.2,Pedagogos Eugenie7,Perkovic Vlado28,Reidlinger Donna2,Scaria Anish2,Walker Rowan9,Vergara Liza A.2,Hawley Carmel M.210,Johnson David W.210,Olynyk John K.111213,Ferrari Paolo1415,


1. Separation Science and Metabolomics Laboratory and Metabolomics Australia; Murdoch University Node; Perth Australia

2. Australasian Kidney Trials Network; University of Queensland; Brisbane Australia

3. Department of Nephrology; St George Hospital; Sydney Australia

4. Menzies School of Health Research; Darwin Australia

5. Centre for Health Policy, Programs and Economics; University of Melbourne; Melbourne Australia

6. Department of Nephrology and Transplantation Services; University of Adelaide at Central Northern Adelaide Renal and Transplantation Services; Adelaide Australia

7. Department of Nephrology; Royal Melbourne Hospital; Melbourne Australia

8. The George Institute for Global Health; Sydney Australia

9. Department of Renal Medicine; The Alfred Hospital; Melbourne Australia

10. Department of Nephrology; Princess Alexandra Hospital; Brisbane Australia

11. Department of Gastroenterology, Fremantle and Fiona Stanley Hospitals; Perth Australia

12. School of Veterinary Sciences; Murdoch University; Perth Australia

13. School of Biomedical Sciences and Curtin Health Innovation Research Institute; Curtin University; Perth Australia

14. Department of Nephrology; Prince of Wales Hospital; Sydney Australia

15. Clinical School; University of New South Wales; Sydney Australia




Nephrology,General Medicine

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