1. 1. James O. Freedman,Liberal Education and the Public Interest(Iowa City: University of Iowa Press, 2003), 56.
2. 2. For a thorough account of the contemporary justifications given for a liberal education, see Bruce Kimball'sPhilosophers and Orators: A History of the Idea of Liberal Education(New York: Teachers College Press, 1986), 158-241.
3. 3. Perhaps this critique could be directed at Aristotle's understanding of leisure. The specific understanding of leisure explored in this essay, however, is the monastic leisure of the Middle Ages, which did not seek to maintain a privileged space for an elite few but offered a way of freedom open to anyone.
4. 4. Josef Pieper,Leisure, the Basis of Culture(South Bend, Indiana: Saint Augustine's Press, 1998), 68.
5. 5. Ibid., 4. Though Pieper made this observation in 1948, it is perhaps more applicable today.