1. Pediatric Hematology Unit CIC1401 INSERM CICP University Hospital of Bordeaux Bordeaux France
2. Centre de Référence National des Cytopénies Autoimmunes de l’enfant (CEREVANCE) University Hospital of Bordeaux Bordeaux France
3. University of Bordeaux INSERM U1218 Bordeaux France
4. Centre de Recherche Saint Antoine UMR_S 938 Service d'Hématologie Oncologie Pédiatrique Centre de Référence National des Cytopénies Auto‐immunes de l’enfant (CEREVANCE) AP‐HP Hôpital Armand Trousseau Sorbonne Université Paris France
5. Pediatric Hematology Unit University Hospital of Toulouse Toulouse France
6. Pediatric Hematology Unit University Hospital of Nancy Nancy France
7. Pediatric Hematology Unit University Hospital of Rennes Rennes France
8. Pediatric Hematology Unit Institute of Pediatric Hematology and Oncology Claude Bernard University Lyon Lyon France
9. Pediatric Hematology Unit University Hospital Timone Enfants Marseille France
10. Department of Pediatrics Hôpital Arnaud de Villeneuve University Hospital of Montpellier Montpellier France
11. Pediatric Hematology Unit University Hospital of Nantes Nantes France
12. Pediatric Hematology Unit University Hospital of Lille Lille France
13. Department of Pediatrics University Hospital of Bicêtre Le Kremlin‐Bicêtre France
14. Pediatric Hematology Unit University Hospital of Besançon Besançon France
15. Pediatric Hematology Unit University Hospital of Angers Angers France
16. Pediatric Hematology Unit University Hospital of Brest Brest France
17. Inserm CIC1401 Bordeaux PharmacoEpi University of Bordeaux Bordeaux France
18. Hematology Unit Centre de référeNce National des Cytopénies Auto‐Immunes de l’enfant (CEREVANCE) APHP – Hôpital Robert Debré Paris France