1. Department of Haematology; Academic Medical Centre; Amsterdam The Netherlands
2. Laboratory of Exp. Immunology; Academic Medical Centre; Amsterdam The Netherlands
3. CEITEC; Centre of Molecular Medicine; Masaryk University; Brno Czech Republic
4. Department of Haematology and Oncology; Medical Faculty MU and University Hospital; Brno Czech Republic
5. AP-HP; Service d'Hématologie Biologique; Hopital Pitié-Salpêtrière; Paris France
6. IIIrd Medical department; Paracelsus Medical University Salzburg; Salzburg Austria
7. Department of Translational Oncology; National Centre for Tumour Diseases (NCT); German Cancer Research Centre (DKFZ); Heidelberg Germany
8. Department of Molecular and Clinical Cancer Medicine; University of Liverpool; Liverpool UK
9. School of Cancer Sciences; University of Birmingham; Birmingham UK
10. LYMMCARE (Lymphoma and Myeloma Centre); Academic Medical Centre; Amsterdam The Netherlands
11. Department of Internal Medicine III; University of Ulm; Ulm Germany
12. Department of Medicine V; University Hospital Heidelberg; Heidelberg Germany