1. Bevis Rochelle. “Avril Lavigne's New Album Took as Many Creative Risks as the “8” in ‘Sk8er Boi’ with no Payoff.”Beat http://www.beat.com.au/music/avril-lavignes-new-album-took-many-creative-risks-8-sk8er-boi-no-payoff. Accessed 9 Feb. 2019.
2. David Bloustein Muggleton Oh Bondage Up Yours! Or Here's Three Chords Now Form a Band: Punk Masochism Skin Anaclisis Defacement 51 64
3. Gary Clarke Gelder Defending Ski Jumpers: A Critique of Theories of Youth Subcultures 169 74
4. Stanley Cohen Gelder Symbols of Trouble 157 68
5. Pangs of history in late 1970s new-wave rock