1. INSERM UMR-S996; Laboratory of Excellence in Research on Medication and Innovative Therapeutics; Université Paris-Sud; Clamart France
2. Institute of Infection, Immunity and Inflammation; College of Medical; Veterinary and Life Sciences; Glasgow Biomedical Research Centre; University of Glasgow; Glasgow UK
3. Department of Molecular Biotechnology and Translational Medicine; University of Milan; Milan Italy
4. Istituto Clinico Humanitas; Humanitas University; Rozzano Milano Italy
5. Laboratory of Molecular Immunology; National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases; National Institutes of Health; Bethesda MD USA
6. Medical Research Council Centre for Immune Regulation; Institute of Biomedical Research; School of Infection and Immunity; University of Birmingham; Birmingham UK
7. Department of Molecular and Translational Medicine; University of Brescia; Brescia Italy
8. Institute for Research in Biomedicine; Bellinzona Switzerland