1. Department of Biogeography; BayCEER, University of Bayreuth; Bayreuth D-95440 Germany
2. Section for Ecoinformatics and Biodiversity, Department of Bioscience; Aarhus University; Aarhus 8000 Denmark
3. School of Geography; University of Nottingham, University Park; Nottingham NG7 2RD UK
4. Ecological and Environmental Change Research Group, Department of Biology; University of Bergen; PO Box 7803 Bergen N-5020 Norway
5. Laboratory of Systematic Botany, Department of Crop Science; Agricultural University of Athens; Iera Odos 75 Athens 11855 Greece
6. Université de La Réunion, UMR PVBMT; 15 Avenue René Cassin, CS 92003 Saint-Denis, Cedex 97744, La Réunion France
7. Department of Environmental Biology; University Sapienza of Rome; Rome I-00185 Italy
8. Environmental Change Research Centre; University College London; London WC1E 6BT UK
9. Centre for Ecology, Evolution and Environmental Changes (Ce3C) and Azorean Biodiversity Group, Universidade dos Açores; Rua Capitão Joãod´Ávila, sn 9700-042 Angra do Heroísmo Terceira Açores Portugal
10. Finnish Museum of Natural History, University of Helsinki; PO Box 17 Helsinki 00014 Finland
11. School of Medicine, China Medical University; Taichung 40402 Taiwan Republic of China
12. GBM, Universidade da Madeira, Centro de Ciências da Vida; Campus da Penteada 9000-390 Funchal Portugal
13. Tropical Research Institute, Travessa Conde da Ribeira 9; Lisbon Portugal
14. Centre for Ecology, Evolution and Environmental Changes (Ce3C), Faculty of Sciences; University of Lisbon; Campo Grande, 1749-016 Lisbon Portugal
15. Island Ecology and Biogeography Research Group. Instituto Universitario de Enfermedades Tropicales y Salud Pública de Canarias (IUETSPC), Universidad de La Laguna, Tenerife; Canary Islands 38206 Spain
16. Missouri Botanical Garden; PO Box 299 St Louis MO 63166-0299 USA
17. Environmental Science, University of California Berkeley; 130 Mulford Hall Berkeley CA 94720-3114 USA
18. Department of Botany and Biodiversity Research; University of Vienna; Rennweg, 14 A-1030 Vienna Austria
19. Laboratoire de Systématique Végétale et Biodiversité, Université de Genève et Conservatoire et Jardin botaniques de la Ville de Genève; Case Postale 60 Chambésy 1292 Suisse
20. Department of Disturbance Ecology; BayCEER, University of Bayreuth; Bayreuth DE-95447 Germany
21. Biological and Environmental Sciences, Faculty of Natural Sciences, University of Stirling; Stirling FK9 4LA UK
22. Institute of Integrative Biology, ETH Zürich, Universitätsstrasse 16, ETH Zentrum, CHN; Zürich CH-8092 Switzerland
23. Department of Zoology; University of Oxford, Oxford Long-term Ecology Lab, Biodiversity Institute; Oxford OX1 3PS UK
24. Geography and Environment; University of Southampton; Highfield, SO17 1BJ Southampton United Kingdom
25. Department of Geography and Environmental Studies; University of Hawai'i at Hilo 200 W; Kawili St, Hilo HI 96720-4091, USA
26. University of Lisbon, Faculty of Science, Biosystems and Integrative Sciences Institute (BioISI), Campo Grande; Lisbon 1749-016 Portugal
27. Herbarium, Museum of Biological Diversity, The Ohio State University; 1315 Kinnear Road, Columbus OH 43212 USA
28. Department of Geography; University of Bergen; PB 7802 Bergen N-5020 Norway