1. Institute for Applied Ecology; The University of Canberra; Bruce ACT 2617 Australia
2. School of Geography, Planning and Environmental Management & Environmental Decisions Group; The University of Queensland; Brisbane Qld 4072 Australia
3. Department of Ecology, Environment and Evolution; La Trobe University; Bundoora Vic. 3086 Australia
4. School of Environment; Griffith University; Nathan Qld 4111 Australia
5. Australian Museum Research Institute, Australian Museum; 6 College St Sydney NSW 2010 Australia
6. Ecosystems and Threatened Species; South East Region; NSW Office of Environment and Heritage; PO Box 733 Queanbeyan NSW 2620 Australia
7. formerly Department of Sustainability and Environment; Arthur Rylah Institute for Environmental Research; PO Box 137 Heidelberg Vic. 3084 Australia
8. Regeneration Solutions; 15 Weir Street Wangaratta Vic. 3677 Australia
9. BirdLife Australia; 60 Leicester St Carlton Vic. 3053 Australia
10. Trust for Nature; level 5, 379 Collins St Melbourne Vic. 3000 Australia
11. ARCUE; School of Botany; University of Melbourne; Parkville Vic. 3010 Australia
12. School of Geography and Environmental Studies, University of Tasmania, Private Bag 78, Hobart, Tasmania 7001. Current address: Centre for Conservation Science; Royal Society for the Protection of Birds; The Lodge; Sandy SG19 2DL UK