1. 1. Gesetz zur Neustrukturierung des Post- und Fernmeldewesens und der Deutschen Bundespost vom 8.Juni 1989, in: Bundesgesetzblatt I vom 14.Juni 1989, Nr.25, S. 1026-1051.
2. 2. See Bell Exhibit 40 in FCC Docket 20003; Bell Exhibit 42 in FCC Docket 20003, 1975, Bell Exhibit 59 in FCC Docket 20003, 1976, Bell Exhibit 65-A in FCC Docket 20003, 1976; Bell Exhibit 60 in FCC Docket 20003, 1976, MEYER [1980 , pp.181 -198 ].
3. 3. In contrast, the major question has been to what extent the distributional objectives could still be fulfilled under competition (see section III). Of course, the interconnection between long distance and local networks had to be guaranteed by adequate standardization procedures.
4. 4. These privileges become, however, increasingly difficult to enforce under the law of the European Communities.
5. 5. Only if an adequate compensation mechanism is applied one can expect complete deregulation to occur rapidly in Germany (or in other European countries), see section IV.