1. Laboratory of Geo‐Information Science and Remote Sensing Wageningen University Droevendaalsesteeg 3 Wageningen 6708 PBThe Netherlands
2. CSIRO Land and Water Private Bag 10 Clayton South Vic.3169Australia
3. Department of Geography University College London Gower Street London WC1E 6BTUK
4. Melbourne School of Land and Environment University of Melbourne 500 Yarra Boulevard Richmond Vic. 3121Australia
5. Department of Mathematics Tampere University of Technology P.O. Box 553 FI‐33101Tampere Finland
6. Environmental Sensing Systems 16 Mawby Road Bentleigh East Vic.3165 Australia
7. NERC National Centre for Earth Observation UK
8. Remote Sensing Centre Department of Science Information Technology, Innovation and the Arts Ecosciences Precinct 41 Boggo Road Dutton Park Qld4102Australia
9. Joint Remote Sensing Research Programme School of Geography, Planning and Environmental Management University of Queensland Brisbane Qld4072Australia