Clutch-size variation in Western Palaearctic secondary hole-nesting passerine birds in relation to nest box design


Møller Anders Pape1,Adriaensen Frank2,Artemyev Alexandr3,Bańbura Jerzy4,Barba Emilio5,Biard Clotilde6,Blondel Jacques7,Bouslama Zihad8,Bouvier Jean-Charles9,Camprodon Jordi10,Cecere Francesco11,Chaine Alexis12,Charmantier Anne7,Charter Motti1314,Cichoń Mariusz15,Cusimano Camillo16,Czeszczewik Dorota17,Doligez Blandine18,Doutrelant Claire7,Dubiec Anna19,Eens Marcel20,Eeva Tapio21,Faivre Bruno22,Ferns Peter N.23,Forsman Jukka T.24,García-del-Rey Eduardo25,Goldshtein Aya26,Goodenough Anne E.27,Gosler Andrew G.28,Góźdź Iga19,Grégoire Arnaud7,Gustafsson Lars29,Hartley Ian R.30,Heeb Philipp31,Hinsley Shelley A.32,Isenmann Paul7,Jacob Staffan31,Järvinen Antero33,Juškaitis Rimvydas34,Kania Wojciech35,Korpimäki Erkki21,Krams Indrikis36,Laaksonen Toni21,Leclercq Bernard37,Lehikoinen Esa21,Loukola Olli24,Lundberg Arne29,Mainwaring Mark C.30,Mänd Raivo36,Massa Bruno16,Mazgajski Tomasz D.19,Merino Santiago38,Mitrus Cezary39,Mönkkönen Mikko740,Morales-Fernaz Judith38,Moreno Juan38,Morin Xavier7,Nager Ruedi G.41,Nilsson Jan-Åke42,Nilsson Sven G.42,Norte Ana C.43,Orell Markku24,Perret Philippe7,Perrins Christopher M.28,Pimentel Carla S.44,Pinxten Rianne20,Priedniece Ilze45,Quidoz Marie-Claude7,Remeš Vladimir46,Richner Heinz47,Robles Hugo2,Russell Andy12,Rytkönen Seppo24,Senar Juan Carlos48,Seppänen Janne T.24,Pascoal da Silva Luis43,Slagsvold Tore49,Solonen Tapio50,Sorace Alberto51,Stenning Martyn J.52,Török Janos53,Tryjanowski Piotr54,van Noordwijk Arie J.55,von Numers Mikael56,Walankiewicz Wiesaw17,Lambrechts Marcel M.7


1. Laboratoire Ecologie, Systematique et Evolution; UMR8079 CNRS-Université Paris-Sud XI-AgroParisTech; Université Paris-Sud XI; Batiment 362 F-91405 Orsay Cedex France

2. Department of Biology, Evolutionary Ecology Group; University of Antwerp; Campus CGB B-2020 Antwerp Belgium

3. Karelian Research Centre; Russian Academy of Sciences; Institute of Biology; Petrozavodsk 185610 Russia

4. Department of Experimental Zoology & Evolutionary Biology; University of Lodź; Banacha 12/16 90-237 Lodź Poland

5. Terrestrial Vertebrates Research Unit “Cavanilles”; Institute of Biodiversity and Evolutionary Biology; University of Valencia; C/Catedrático José Beltran 2 Paterna E-46980 Spain

6. Laboratoire Ecologie-Evolution; UMR 7625; Equipe Ecophysiologie Evolutive - Evolutionary Ecophysiology Research Group; Université Pierre et Marie Curie - UPMC; 7 Quai Saint Bernard, Case 237 F-75252 Paris Cedex 05 France

7. Centre d'Ecologie Fonctionnelle et Evolutive; CEFEUMR5175; Campus CNRS, 1919 route deMende F-34293 Montpellier Cedex 5 France

8. Research Laboratory “Ecology of Terrestrial and Aquatic Systems”; University Badji Mokhtar; Annaba Algeria

9. INRA; UR 1115, Plantes et Systèmes de culture Horticoles; F-84000 Avignon France

10. Àrea de Biodiversitat, Grup de Biologia de la Conservació; Centre Tecnològic Forestal de Catalunya; Carretera de St. Llorenç de Morunys, km. 2 E-25280 Solsona Spain

11. Strada Bine, 1424 I-46011 Acquanegra sul Chiese (MM) Italy

12. Stn. Ecol. Expt.; CNRS; Moulis USR2936; F-09200 St. Girons France

13. University of Haifa; Haifa Israel

14. Society for the Protection of Nature; University of Lausanne; Lausanne Switzerland

15. Institute of Environmental Science; Jagiellonian University; Krakow Poland

16. Stazione Inanellamento c/o Dipartimento SEN-FIMIZO; Università di Palermo; Palermo Italy

17. Department of Zoology; Siedlce University of Natural Sciences and Humanities; Prusa 12 PL-08-110 Siedlce Poland

18. Department of Biometry & Evolutionary Biology; CNRS UMR5558; University of Lyon 1; F-69622 Villeurbanne France

19. Museum and Institute of Zoology; Polish Academy of Sciences; Wilcza 64 PL-00-679 Warsaw Poland

20. Department of Biology (Ethology); Campus Drie Eiken, Building C B-2610 Antwerp (Wilrijk) Belgium

21. Section of Ecology; Department of Biology; University of Turku; FI-20014 Turku Finland

22. BioGéoSciences; UMR CNRS 5561; Université de Bourgogne; 6 Boulevard Gabriel F-21000 Dijon France

23. School of Bioscience; Cardiff University; S Glam Wales Cardiff CF10 3AX UK

24. Department of Biology; University of Oulu; FIN-90014 Oulu Finland

25. Departamento de Ecología; Facultad de Biología; Universidad de La Laguna; La Laguna Tenerife Canary Islands E-38260 Spain

26. Tel-Aviv University; Tel-Aviv Israel

27. Department of Natural and Social Sciences; University of Gloucestershire; Glos GL50 4AZ UK

28. Department of Zoology; Edward Grey Institute of Field Ornithology & Institute of Human Sciences; South Parks Road Oxford OX1 3PS UK

29. Department of Animal Ecology; Evolutionary Biology Centre; Uppsala University; SE-75236 Uppsala Sweden

30. Lancaster Environment Centre; Lancaster University; Lancaster LA1 4YQ UK

31. Laboratoire Évolution & Diversité Biologique; UPS Toulouse III; Bât 4R1, salle 122, 118 route de Narbonne F-31062 Toulouse France

32. RSPB; The Lodge; Sandy Bedfordshire SG19 2DL UK

33. Kilpisjarvi Biological Station; University of Helsinki; P.O.Box 17 Helsinki FIN-00014 Finland

34. Institute of Ecology of Nature Research Centre; Akademijos 2 LT-08412 Vilnius Lithuania

35. Ornithological Station; Museum and Institute of Zoology; Polish Academy of Sciences; PL-80-680 Gdansk Poland

36. Institute of Ecology & Earth Sciences; University of Tartu; EE-51014 Tartu Estonia

37. Crx. St. Pierre, 6 rueMorcueil F-21410 Fleurey Sur Ouche France

38. Departamento de Ecología Evolutiva Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales; Agencia Estatal Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas; Rodrígues, CSIC; C/Josí Gutiírrez Abascal 2 E-28002 Madrid Spain

39. Department of Zoology; Rzeszów University; Zelwerowicza 4 PL-35-601 Rzeszów Poland

40. Department of Biological and Environmental Sciences; University of Jyväskylä; POB 35 FIN-40014 Jyväskylä Finland

41. Institute of Biodiversity, Animal Health & Comparative Medicine; University of Glasgow; Graham Kerr Building Glasgow G12 8QQ UK

42. Animal Ecology; Lund University; Ecology Building SE-223 62 Lund Sweden

43. Department of Life Sciences; Institute of Marine Research; University of Coimbra; Apartado 3046 PT-3001-401 Coimbra Portugal

44. Centro de Estudos Florestais; Instituto Superior de Agronomia; University of Lisbon; PT-1349-017 Lisbon Portugal

45. Latvian Fund for Nature; Dzirnavu Street 73-2 Riga LV-1011 Latvia

46. Laboratory of Ornithology; Department of Zoology; Palacky University; CZ-77146 Olomouc Czech Republic

47. Institute of Ecology & Evolution (IEE); University of Bern; CH-3012 Bern Switzerland

48. Unidad Asociada CSIC de Ecología Evolutiva y de la Conducta; Nat-Museu de Ciències Naturals de Barcelona; Barcelona Spain

49. Department of Biosciences; University of Oslo; Oslo Norway

50. Luontotutkimus Solonen Oy; Neitsytsaarentie 7b B 147 FIN-00960 Helsinki Finland

51. SROPU; Via R. Crippa 60 Rome Italy

52. School of Life Sciences; University of Sussex; Falmer Brighton Sussex BN1 9QG UK

53. Behavioral Ecology Group; Department of Systematic Zoology & Ecology; Eotvos Lorand University; H-1117 Budapest Hungary

54. Institute of Zoology; Poznan University of Life Sciences; Wojska Polskiego 71 C PL-60-625 Poznań Poland

55. Netherlands Institute of Ecology (NIOO-KNAW); Doevendaalsesteg, 10 NL-6708 BP Wageningen the Netherlands

56. Environmental and Marine Biology; Åbo Akademi University; Artillerigatan 6 Biocity FI-20520 Åbo Finland


Academy of Finland

Spanish Research Council-CSIC

European Social Fund(programme ‘Junta para la Ampliación de Estudios’)


Fundación Alfonso Martín Escudero and Xunta de Galicia




Ecological Modeling,Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics

Reference55 articles.

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2. Nest cavity size and clutch size of pied flycatchers Ficedula hypoleuca breeding in natural holes;Alatalo;Ornis Scandinavica,1988

3. Density-dependence in breeding success of the pied flycatcher (Ficedula hypoleuca);Alatalo;Journal of Animal Ecology,1984

4. The relationship between nest-box size, occupation and breeding parameters of the great tit Parus major and some other hole-nesting species;Balen;Ardea,1984

5. Density dependence of avian clutch size in resident and migrant species: is there a constraint on the predictability of competitor density?;Both;Journal of Avian Biology,2000







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