1. Department of Pathology & Cell Biology; Columbia University Medical Center-New York Presbyterian Hospital; New York New York
2. Institute for Transfusion Medicine and Department of Pathology; University of Pittsburgh; Pittsburgh Pennsylvania
3. Canadian Blood Services and the Centre for Blood Research; University of British Columbia; Vancouver British Columbia Canada
4. Department of Pathology; Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School; Boston Massachusetts
5. National Headquarters, American Red Cross; Rockville Maryland
6. Department of Medicine; University of Washington; Seattle Washington
7. Department of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine; Emory University School of Medicine; Atlanta Georgia
8. Department of Anesthesiology; Mayo Clinic College of Medicine; Rochester Minnesota
9. Division of Laboratory Medicine, Center for Cancer and Blood Disease; Children's National Health System, and the Department of Pediatrics, George Washington University School of Medicine; Washington DC
10. Blood Systems Research Institute, and the Department of Laboratory Medicine, University of California; San Francisco California
11. Division of Blood Diseases and Resources; National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI), National Institutes of Health (NIH); Bethesda Maryland