1. University of Leeds Leeds
SUMMARYA study was undertaken to determine if inappropriate general practitioner out‐patient referrals have increased. Out‐patients referred to an otolaryngology unit in north‐east England were analysed. Patient, diagnosis, waiting time and outcome of consultation details of new attenders for a two‐month period in 1981 and 1989 were compared. New out‐patient attenders without evidence of otolaryngological disease, who required no treatment, investigation or follow‐up, were defined as inappropriate referrals.A total of 2200 new attendances were studied, 819 in 1981 and 1381 in 1989. In all, 125 referrals (15%; 95% confidence interval, 12–18%) in 1981 and 180 patients (13%; 11–15%) in 1989 were inappropriate. There was no increase in the proportion of inappropriate referrals.