Effect of stress hyperglycemia and intensive rehabilitation therapy in non-diabetic hemorrhagic stroke: Korean Stroke Cohort for Functioning and Rehabilitation


Yoon J. A.12,Kim D. Y.3,Sohn M. K.4,Lee J.5,Lee S.-G.6,Lee Y.-S.7,Han E. Y.8,Joo M. C.9,Oh G.-J.9,Han J.10,Lee S. W.11,Park M.12,Chang W. H.12,Shin Y.-I.12,Kim Y.-H.12


1. Department of Rehabilitation Medicine; Pusan National University School of Medicine; Yangsan Korea

2. Research Institute of Convergence for Biomedical Science and Technology; Pusan National University, Yangsan Hospital; Yangsan Korea

3. Department and Research Institute of Rehabilitation Medicine; Yonsei University College of Medicine; Seoul Korea

4. Department of Rehabilitation Medicine; School of Medicine; Chungnam National University; Daejeon Korea

5. Department of Rehabilitation Medicine; Konkuk University School of Medicine; Seoul Korea

6. Department of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine; Chonnam National University Medical School; Gwangju Korea

7. Department of Rehabilitation Medicine; Kyung-pook National University College of Medicine; Daegu Korea

8. Department of Rehabilitation Medicine; Jeju University Hospital; University of Jeju College of Medicine; Jeju Korea

9. Department of Rehabilitation Medicine; Wonkwang University School of Medicine; Iksan Korea

10. Research and Statistical Support; Research Institute of Convergence for Biomedical Science and Technology; Pusan National University Yangsan Hospital; Yangsan Korea

11. Department of Neurosurgery; Pusan National University College of Medicine; Pusan National University Yangsan Hospital; Yangsan Korea

12. Department of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine; Center for Prevention and Rehabilitation; Heart Vascular and Stroke Institute; Samsung Medical Center; Sungkyunkwan University School of Medicine; Seoul Korea


Korea Centers for Disease Control & Prevention




Clinical Neurology,Neurology








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