Family study of the error‐related negativity in adolescent and young adult females and their parents


Trayvick Jadyn1ORCID,Adams Elise M.1ORCID,Nelson Brady D.1


1. Department of Psychology Stony Brook University Stony Brook New York USA


AbstractThe error‐related negativity (ERN) has been identified as a potential endophenotype of psychopathology. However, there is limited research investigating familial transmission of the ERN, particularly across developmental phases that are associated with increased risk for psychopathology. The present study included a sample of one hundred thirty‐one adolescent and young adult females (Mage = 17.77, SD = 1.84) and their biological parents at a first assessment and 75 females (Mage= 20.48, SD = 1.75) and their biological parents at a second assessment. Participants and their parents completed a flanker task while electroencephalography was recorded to examine parent–daughter associations of the ERN, correct response negativity (CRN), and ΔERN (i.e., ERN‐CRN) at two assessments that were separated by approximately 3 years (Myears = 2.84, SD = 0.60). The daughters also completed self‐report measures of generalized anxiety and depression symptoms. Results indicated that the ΔERN, but not the ERN or CRN, was positively correlated between parents and their daughters at both assessments. Furthermore, the parent–daughter correlation strength did not differ between assessments. Finally, both daughter and parent ∆ERNs were associated with daughter generalized anxiety and depression symptoms. The present study suggests that, like psychiatric disorders, the ERN runs in families and is associated with both concurrent and familial psychopathology, supporting its conceptualization as an endophenotype of psychopathology.


National Institute of Mental Health









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