1. Allergy Department Hospital Clínico San Carlos Facultad de Medicina Universidad Complutense (UCM) IdISSC, ARADyAL Madrid Spain
2. Grupo de Investigación en Alergia IdISSC Madrid Spain
3. Unidad de Apoyo a la Investigación Preventive Medicine Department Hospital Clínico San Carlos IdISSC Universidad Alfonso X El Sabio Madrid Spain
4. Division of Allergy and Immunology Department of Dermatology, Venerology and Allergology Charité—Universitätsmedizin Berlin Corporate Member of Freie Universität Berlin Humboldt‐Universität zu Berlin, and Berlin Institute of Health Berlin Germany
5. Allergy Department Hospital Clínico San Carlos IdISSC ARADyAL Madrid Spain
6. Department of Dermatology University Hospital Zurich Zurich Switzerland
7. Clinic for Dermatology and Allergology Kantonsspital St Gallen St Gallen Switzerland
8. Ambulatorio di Allergologia Clinica San Carlo Paderno Dugnano, Milan Italy
9. Medical Faculty and Faculty Hospital Pilsen Pilsen Czech Republic
10. Department of Pediatric Respiratory Medicine, Immunology and Intensive Care Medicine Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin Berlin Germany
11. Chest Diseases Department Strasbourg University Hospital Federation of Translational Medicine University of Strasbourg Strasbourg France
12. Children's Hospital and Department of Allergy Landspitali University Hospital Reykjavik Iceland
13. Department of Experimental Immunology, and Department of Clinical Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Bioinformatics Amsterdam University Medical Center Amsterdam The Netherlands
14. Medical Faculty Vilnius University Vilnius Lithuania
15. Department of Dietetics Salford Royal NHS Foundation Trust Salford UK
16. Clinical and Experimental Sciences Faculty of Medicine University of Southampton Southampton UK
17. Department of Pathophysiology and Allergy Research Medical University of Vienna Vienna Austria
18. Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland Children's Health Ireland at Temple Street Dublin Ireland
19. Department of Allergy and Immunology Medical University of Lodz Lodz Poland
20. Dept. Dermatology/Allergology University Medical Center Utrecht Utrecht University Utrecht The Netherlands
21. Clinic of Allergy and Asthma Medical University in Sofia Sofia Bulgaria
22. Allergy Dpt, 2nd Pediatric clinic University of Athens Athens Greece
23. Division of Infection Immunity & Respiratory Medicine University of Manchester Manchester UK
24. University Hospital Sv. Ivan Rilski Sofia Bulgaria
25. Allergy Clinic Copenhagen University Hospital at Herlev‐Gentofte Copenhagen Denmark
26. Allergy Division Chest Disease Department University Hospital of Strasbourg Strasbourg France
27. Department of Clinical Immunology and Allergy Central Manchester and Manchester Children's University Hospitals NHS Trust Manchester UK
28. Institute of Immunity and Transplantation Royal Free Hospital and University College London London UK
29. Division of Infection, Immunity and Respiratory Medicine School of Biological Sciences Manchester Academic Health Science Centre, NIHR Manchester Biomedical Research Centre, and Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust The University of Manchester Manchester UK
30. Allergy Department 2nd Pediatric Clinic University of Athens Athens Greece
31. Allergy Department Sotiria Chest Diseases Hospital Athens Greece
32. Srebrnjak Children's Hospital Zagreb Catholic University of Croatia Zagreb, and Medical Faculty Osijek J.J.Strossmayer University Osijek Croatia
33. Food Allergy Referral Centre Veneto Region Department of Women and Child Health Padua General University Hospital Padua Italy
34. NIHR Southampton Biomedical Research Centre University Hospital Southampton NHS Foundation Trust Southampton UK
35. Clinical and Experimental Sciences and Human Development in Health Faculty of Medicine University of Southampton Southampton UK
36. The David Hide Asthma and Allergy Research Centre St Mary's Hospital Isle of Wight UK
37. Departments of Experimental Immunology and of Otorhinoraryngology Amsterdam University Medical Centers Amsterdam The Netherlands
38. Preventive Medicine Department Hospital Clínico San Carlos IdISSC Madrid Spain
39. Preventive Medicine Department Complejo Hospitalario Universitario Santiago de Compostela Santiago de Compostela Spain
40. National Heart & Lung Institute Imperial College London London UK
41. Division of Infection, Immunity and Respiratory Medicine Manchester Academic Health Sciences Centre Manchester Institute of Biotechnology University of Manchester Manchester UK