Historical and current patterns of gene flow in the butterflyPararge aegeria


Livraghi Luca1,Vodă Raluca2,Evans Luke Christopher13,Gibbs Melanie4,Dincă Vlad56,Holland Peter W.H.7,Shreeve Tim G.8,Vila Roger6,Dapporto Leonardo9,Breuker Casper J.1ORCID


1. Evolutionary Developmental Biology Research Group, Department of Biological and Medical Sciences, Faculty of Health and Life Sciences; Oxford Brookes University; Headington, Oxford UK

2. DBIOS Department of Life Sciences and Systems Biology; University of Turin; Turin Italy

3. Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Research Division, School of Biological Sciences; University of Reading; Reading, Berkshire UK

4. Maclean Building; NERC Centre for Ecology & Hydrology; Wallingford UK

5. Department of Ecology and Genetics; University of Oulu; Oulu Finland

6. Institute of Evolutionary Biology; Barcelona Spain

7. Department of Zoology; University of Oxford; Oxford UK

8. Centre for Ecology, Environment and Conservation; Oxford Brookes University; Headington, Oxford UK

9. Dipartimento di Biologia; Università degli Studi di Firenze; Sesto Fiorentino Italy


Seventh Framework Programme

Santander Student Research Grant

Nigel Groome PhD studentship

Marie Curie International Outgoing Fellowship within the 7th European Community Framework Programme

Santander Research Scholarship




Ecology,Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics

Reference65 articles.

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4. Fitting linear mixed-effect models using lme4;Bates;Journal of Statistical Software,2015

5. Habitat fragmentation impacts mobility in a common and widespread woodland butterfly: Do sexes respond differently?;Bergerot;BMC Ecology,2012








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