1. Bolton‐Maggs P. H. B. Poles D. Watt A.&Thomas D. (2014)The 2013 Annual SHOT Report. URLwww.shotuk.org(Accessed 12/8/18).
2. Bolton‐Maggs P. H. B. PolesD.&on behalf of the Serious Hazards of Transfusion (SHOT) Steering Group. (2017)The 2016 Annual SHOT Report. (Accessed 27/2/19)
3. Bolton‐Maggs P.H.B. Poles D. &on behalf of the SHOT Steering Group(2018).The 2017 Annual SHOT Report. URLwww.shotuk.org(Accessed 1/3/19).
4. BSQR(2005).Blood Safety and Quality (Amendment) (No.2) Regulations 2005 No. 2898URLhttp://www.legislation.gov.uk/uksi/2005/2898/contents/made(Accessed 12/8/18).
5. UK Transfusion Laboratory Collaborative: Recommended minimum standards for hospital transfusion laboratories