1. Sciences et Technology Branch Environment and Climate Change Canada Québec QC Canada
2. Laurentian Forestry Centre Canadian Forest Service Natural Resources Canada Québec QC Canada
3. Sciences et Technology Branch Environment and Climate Change Canada Gatineau QC Canada
4. Atlantic Forestry Centre Canadian Forest Service Natural Resources Canada Fredericton NB Canada
5. Northern Forestry Centre Canadian Forest Service Natural Resources Canada Edmonton AB Canada
6. Department of Biological Sciences Biological Sciences Building Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute University of Alberta Edmonton AB Canada
7. Boreal Avian Modelling Project Edmonton AB Canada
8. Department of Renewable Resources University of Alberta Edmonton AB Canada
9. Faculty of Natural Resources Management Lakehead University Thunder Bay ON Canada
10. Key Laboratory for Humid Sub‐tropical Eco‐geographical Processes of the Ministry of Education Institute of Geographical Sciences Fujian Normal University Fuzhou China