Real‐life assessment of chronic rhinosinusitis patients using mobile technology: The mySinusitisCoach project by EUFOREA


Seys Sven F.12ORCID,De Bont Shana3,Fokkens Wytske J.4ORCID,Bachert Claus56ORCID,Alobid Isam7,Bernal‐Sprekelsen Manuel8,Bjermer Leif9,Callebaut Ina3,Cardell Lars‐Olaf10ORCID,Carrie Sean11,Castelnuovo Paolo12,Cathcart Russell13,Constantinidis Jannis14,Cools Leen3,Cornet Marjolein4,Clement Gregory15,Cox Tony16,Delsupehe Lieve17,Correia‐de‐Sousa Jaime18ORCID,Deneyer Lauren1,De Vos Geert19,Diamant Zuzana92021,Doulaptsi Maria22ORCID,Gane Simon23,Gevaert Philippe5,Hopkins Claire24,Hox Valérie25,Hummel Thomas26,Hosemann Werner27,Jacobs Raf28,Jorissen Mark3,Kjeldsen Anette29,Landis Basile N.30,Lemmens Winde31,Leunig Andreas32,Lund Valerie23,Mariën Gert1,Mullol Joaquim7,Onerci Metin33,Palkonen Susanna34,Proano Isabel34,Prokopakis Emmanuel22,Ryan Dermot35ORCID,Riechelmann Herbert36,Sahlstrand‐Johnson Pernilla37,Salmi‐Toppila Sanna3839ORCID,Segboer Christine4,Speleman Kato40,Steinsvik Andreas41,Surda Pavol24ORCID,Tomazic Peter‐Valentin42ORCID,Vanderveken Olivier43,Van Gerven Laura3,Van Zele Thibaut5,Verfaillie Jan17,Verhaeghe Benedicte44,Vierstraete Kathie45,Vlaminck Stephan46,Wagenmann Martin47,Pugin Benoit12,Hellings Peter W.2345


1. European Forum for Research and Education in Allergy and Airway Diseases (EUFOREA) Brussels Belgium

2. Department of Microbiology, Immunology & Transplantation Allergy and Clinical Immunology Research Group KU Leuven Belgium

3. Department of Otorhinolaryngology‐Head and Neck Surgery UZ Leuven UZ Leuven Belgium

4. Department of Otorhinolaryngology Amsterdam University Medical Centres Amsterdam The Netherlands

5. Upper Airways Research Laboratory Department of Otorhinolaryngology Ghent University Belgium

6. Department of Otorhinolaryngology Karolinska Institute Stockholm Sweden

7. Hospital ClínicIDIBAPSUniversitat de BarcelonaCIBERES Barcelona Spain

8. University of Valencia Valencia Spain

9. Department of Respiratory Medicine and Allergology Lund University Lund Sweden

10. Division of ENT Diseases Department of Clinical Science, Intervention and Technology Karolinska Institutet Stockholm Sweden

11. ENT department Freeman Hospital Newcastle upon Tyne UK

12. ENT Department University of InsubriaOspedale Di Circolo E Fondazione Macchi Varese Italy

13. ENT department Cumberland Infirmary Carlisle UK

14. 1st Academic ENT Department Aristotle University of ThessalonikiAHEPA University Hospital Thessaloniki Greece

15. ENT department AZ Damiaan Oostende Belgium

16. ENT department Jessa hospital Hasselt Belgium

17. ENT department AZ Delta Roeselare Belgium

18. Life and Health Sciences Research Institute (ICVS)/3B’s—PT Government Associate LaboratoryUniversity of Minho Braga Portugal

19. ENT department Sint‐Lucas Gent Belgium

20. Department of Clinical Pharmacy & Pharmacology UMCG and QPS‐NL Groningen The Netherlands

21. Department of Respiratory Medicine First Faculty of Medicine Charles University and Thomayer Hospital Prague Czech Republic

22. Department of Otorhinolaryngology‐Head and Neck Surgery University of Crete School of Medicine Heraklion Greece

23. ENT Department Royal National Throat Nose and Ear Hospital London UK

24. ENT Department Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust London UK

25. Département d'Otorhinolaryngologie Cliniques Universitaires Saint‐Luc Brussels Belgium

26. Smell and Taste Clinic ENT department Technische Universität Dresden Dresden Germany

27. Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery University of Greifswald Germany

28. Department of Otorhinolaryngology–Head and Neck Surgery General Hospital Sint‐Blasius Dendermonde Belgium

29. Department of Otorhinolaryngology Odense University Hospital Odense Denmark

30. Unité de Rhinologie‐Olfactologie Service d'Oto‐Rhino‐Laryngologie et de Chirurgie cervico‐facialeHôpitaux Universitaires de Genève Genève Suisse

31. ENT department ZOL Genk Genk Belgium

32. ENT department Ludwig Maximilians University Munich Germany

33. ENT Department Faculty of Medicine Hacettepe University Ankara Turkey

34. European Federation of Allergy and Airways Diseases Patients' Associations (EFA) Brussels Belgium

35. Usher InstituteUniversity of Edinburgh UK

36. Universitätsklinik für Hals‐ Nasen‐ Ohrenheilkunde Innsbruck Austria

37. Department of Oto‐Rhino‐Laryngology, Head and Neck Surgery Lund UniversitySkane University Hospital Lund Sweden

38. Skin and Allergy Hospital Helsinki University Central Hospital Helsinki Finland

39. Haartman InstituteMedicumUniversity of Helsinki Helsinki Finland

40. ENT Department AZ Sint‐Jan Bruges Belgium

41. Department of Otorhinolaryngology Akershus University Hospital Lørenskog Norway

42. Department of General ORL, Head and Neck Surgery Medical University of Graz Graz Austria

43. ENT department University Hospital of Antwerp Wilrijk Belgium

44. ENT department Sint‐Andriesziekenhuis Tielt Belgium

45. ENT department AZ Groeninge Kortrijk Belgium

46. ENT department CHM Mouscron Mouscron Belgium

47. Department of Otorhinolaryngology Universitätsklinikum Düsseldorf Dusseldorf Germany




Immunology,Immunology and Allergy







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