The impact and recovery of asteroid 2018 LA


Jenniskens Peter12ORCID,Gabadirwe Mohutsiwa3,Yin Qing‐Zhu4ORCID,Proyer Alexander5,Moses Oliver6,Kohout Tomas78ORCID,Franchi Fulvio5,Gibson Roger L.9ORCID,Kowalski Richard10,Christensen Eric J.10,Gibbs Alex R.10,Heinze Aren11,Denneau Larry11,Farnocchia Davide12ORCID,Chodas Paul W.12,Gray William13,Micheli Marco14,Moskovitz Nick15,Onken Christopher A.16,Wolf Christian16,Devillepoix Hadrien A. R.17,Ye Quanzhi1819,Robertson Darrel K.20ORCID,Brown Peter21ORCID,Lyytinen Esko8,Moilanen Jarmo8,Albers Jim1ORCID,Cooper Tim22,Assink Jelle23,Evers Läslo2324,Lahtinen Panu8,Seitshiro Lesedi5,Laubenstein Matthias25ORCID,Wantlo Nggie3,Moleje Phemo3,Maritinkole Joseph3,Suhonen Heikki26,Zolensky Michael E.27ORCID,Ashwal Lewis9,Hiroi Takahiro28ORCID,Sears Derek W.20ORCID,Sehlke Alexander20,Maturilli Alessandro29,Sanborn Matthew E.4ORCID,Huyskens Magdalena H.4,Dey Supratim4,Ziegler Karen30ORCID,Busemann Henner31ORCID,Riebe My E. I.31ORCID,Meier Matthias M. M.32ORCID,Welten Kees C.33ORCID,Caffee Marc W.34ORCID,Zhou Qin35ORCID,Li Qiu‐Li35ORCID,Li Xian‐Hua36ORCID,Liu Yu36ORCID,Tang Guo‐Qiang36ORCID,McLain Hannah L.3738ORCID,Dworkin Jason P.38ORCID,Glavin Daniel P.38ORCID,Schmitt‐Kopplin Philippe3940ORCID,Sabbah Hassan41ORCID,Joblin Christine41ORCID,Granvik Mikael2642ORCID,Mosarwa Babutsi43,Botepe Koketso3,Trigo‐Rodríguez Josep


1. SETI Institute 189 Bernardo Avenue Mountain View California 94043 USA

2. NASA Ames Research Center Moffett Field California 94035 USA

3. Botswana Geoscience Institute Plot 11566, Khama 1 Avenue, Plot 1734 Lobatse Botswana

4. Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences University of California Davis One Shields Avenue Davis California 95616 USA

5. Botswana International University of Science and Technology Private Bag 16 Palapye Botswana

6. University of Botswana Okavango Research Institute Private Bag 285 Maun Botswana

7. Department of Geosciences and Geography University of Helsinki P.O. Box 64 FI‐00014 Helsinki Finland

8. Ursa Finnish Fireball Network Kopernikuksentie 1 FI‐00130 Helsinki Finland

9. School of Geosciences University of the Witwatersrand P.O. WITS Johannesburg 2050 South Africa

10. Catalina Sky Survey, Lunar & Planetary Laboratory The University of Arizona 1629 E University Blvd. Tucson Arizona USA

11. ATLAS Institute for Astronomy 2680 Woodlawn Drive Honolulu Hawaii 96822–1839 USA

12. Jet Propulsion Laboratory California Institute of Technology 4800 Oak Grove Drive Pasadena California 91109 USA

13. Project Pluto 168 Ridge Road Bowdoinham Maine 04008 USA

14. ESA NEO Coordination Centre Largo Galileo Galilei 1 I‐00044 Frascati Italy

15. Lowell Observatory 1400 W. Mars Hill Rd Flagstaff Arizona 86001 USA

16. Research School of Astronomy and Astrophysics The Australian National University Canberra Australian Capital Territory 2611 Australia

17. School of Earth and Planetary Sciences Curtin University Perth Western Australia 6845 Australia

18. Department of Astronomy University of Maryland College Park Maryland 20742 USA

19. Division of Physics, Mathematics and Astronomy Caltech Pasadena California 91125 USA

20. NASA Ames Research Center/Bay Area Environmental Research Institute Mail Stop 245‐3 Moffett Field California 94035 USA

21. Centre for Planetary Science and Exploration Western University London Ontario N6A 5B7 Canada

22. Astronomical Society of Southern Africa Suite 617, Private Bag X043 Benoni 1500 South Africa

23. R&D Seismology and Acoustics Royal Dutch Meteorological Institute P.O. Box 201 NL‐3730 AE De Bilt the Netherlands

24. Department of Geoscience and Engineering Delft University of Technology P.O. Box 5048 NL‐2600 GA Delft the Netherlands

25. Gran Sasso National Laboratory National Institute for Nuclear Physics Via G. Acitelli 22 I‐67100 Assergi Italy

26. Department of Physics University of Helsinki P.O. Box 64 FI‐00014 Helsinki Finland

27. ARES Division NASA Johnson Space Flight Center Houston Texas 77058 USA

28. Reflectance Experiment Laboratory Department of Earth, Environmental and Planetary Science Brown University Providence Rhode Island 02912 USA

29. Institute for Planetary Research German Aerospace Center DLR Rutherfordstrasse 2 D‐12489 Berlin‐Adlershof Germany

30. Institute of Meteoritics University of New Mexico 221 Yale Blvd NE, 331 Northrop Hall Albuquerque New Mexico 87131 USA

31. Institute of Geochemistry and Petrology ETH Zürich Clausiusstrasse 25 CH‐8092 Zürich Switzerland

32. Naturmuseum St. Gallen Rorschacher Strasse 263 CH‐9016 St. Gallen Switzerland

33. Space Science Laboratory University of California Berkeley Berkeley California 94720 USA

34. Department of Physics and Astronomy Purdue University 525 Northwestern Avenue West Lafayette Indiana 47907 USA

35. National Astronomical Observatories Beijing, Chinese Academy of Sciences Beijing 100012 China

36. State Key Laboratory of Lithospheric Evolution Institute of Geology and Geophysics Chinese Academy of Sciences Beijing 100029 China

37. Department of Chemistry Catholic University of America 620 Michigan Ave, N.E. Washington D.C. 20064 USA

38. NASA Goddard Space Flight Center 8800 Greenbelt Rd. Greenbelt Maryland 20771 USA

39. Helmholtz Zentrum München Research Unit Analytical BioGeoChemistry Ingolstädter Landstr. 1 D‐85764 Neuherberg Germany

40. Analytical Food Chemistry Technische Universität München D‐85354 Freising‐Weihenstephan Germany

41. IRAP Université de Toulouse CNRS CNES Université de Toulouse (UPS) F‐31028 Toulouse Cedex 4 France

42. Asteroid Engineering Laboratory Onboard Space Systems, Luleå University of Technology Box 848 S‐981 28 Kiruna Sweden

43. Botswana National Museum 161 Queens Rd Gaborone Botswana


Schweizerischer Nationalfonds zur Förderung der Wissenschaftlichen Forschung

Academy of Finland

Simons Foundation

Goddard Space Flight Center

Nederlandse Organisatie voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek

National Aeronautics and Space Administration




Space and Planetary Science,Geophysics

Reference85 articles.

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2. Anonymous.2018a.Minor Planet Electronic Circular 2018‐L04. June 3. Minor Planet Center. K18L04.html

3. Anonymous.2018b.Fireballs. USG satellite detected fireball and bolide data.Jet Propulsion Laboratory California Institute of Technology.

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5. Thermoluminescence constraints on the metamorphic, shock, and brecciation history of basaltic meteorites







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