1. Department of Soil Quality; Wageningen University; PO BOX 47 Wageningen 6700 AA The Netherlands
2. Department of Terrestrial Ecology; Netherlands Institute of Ecology (NIOO-KNAW); PO Box 50 Wageningen 6700 AB The Netherlands
3. Norwegian Geotechnical Institute (NGI); P.O. Box 3930 Ullevål Stadion Oslo NO-0806 Norway
4. Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences (IPM); University of Life Sciences (UMB); P.O. Box 5003 1432 Ås Norway
5. Cornell University; 909 Bradfield Hall Ithaca 14853 NY USA
6. Nature Conservation and Plant Ecology group; Wageningen University; PO Box 47 Wageningen 6700 AA The Netherlands
7. UK Biochar Research Centre; School of GeoSciences; University of Edinburgh; Edinburgh EH9 3JN UK
8. Department of Forest Ecology and Management; Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences; Umeå SE901-83 Sweden