1. Department of Dermatology Kurume University School of Medicine, and Kurume University Institute of Cutaneous Cell Biology 67 Asahimachi Kurume Fukuoka 830‐0011 Japan
2. Department of Dermatology Surugadai Nihon University Hospital Tokyo Japan
3. Department of Dermatology Kochi University School of Medicine Kochi Japan
4. Department of Dermatology Mito Saiseikai General Hospital Mito Ibaraki Japan
5. Department of Dermatology Kanazawa Medical University School of Medicine Ishikawa Japan
6. Department of Dermatology Hachioji Medical Center of Tokyo Medical University Tokyo Japan
7. Department of Dermatology Kawasaki Medical School of Medicine Okayama Japan
8. Department of Dermatology Osaka City University Graduate School of Medicine Osaka Japan