1. 2Xavier Sala-i-Martin, and Arvind Subramanian , Addressing the natural resource curse: an illustration from Nigeria (Washington DC: IMF, 2003 ), p.4 . The figures are in 1995 prices.
2. 3Sala-i-Martin, and Subramanian , Addressing the natural resource curse (Washington DC: IMF, 2003 ), p.4 . The figure is 36% in 1970 and 70% in 2002.
3. 4SeeSaji Thomas, and Sudharsan Canagrarajah , Poverty in a wealthy economy: the case of Nigeria (Washington DC: IMF, 2002 ), p.21 .
4. 5See e.g. Menachem Katz , Lifting the oil curse: improving petroleum revenue management in sub-Saharan Africa (Washington DC: IMF, 2004 ), p.3 .