Funding of Headache Research in Europe


Olesen J1,Lekander I2,Andlin-Sobocki P3,Jönsson B4


1. Department of Neurology, Glostrup Hospital, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark

2. European Health Economics

3. Centre for Medical Management, Karolinska Institute

4. Centre for Health Economics, Stockholm School of Economics, Stockholm Sweden


Migraine costs European Society ¬27 billion per year. Other headaches may account for a similar amount. Given this enormous impact, the question arises as to whether the funding of research efforts in this field are sufficient. A recent European study called the Resource Allocation to Brain Research in Europe (RABRE) examined funding of brain research. Identified charities and Government agencies in Europe filled out a questionnaire regarding their funding of brain diseases. Industry spending was evaluated by three different previously validated methods. In the present report, detailed results are presented for migraine and other headaches. In 2004, migraine research was funded by nearly €315 million. Of this, €308 million was invested by the pharmaceutical industry, whereas public funding was estimated at €7 million. No funding was identified for non-migraine headache disorders. Of the public spending, €714 000 came from private foundations. There was a very large difference between different European countries in the funding of headache research. When public funding was compared with the cost of different brain disorders, migraine funding was in the middle range. This was due to relatively large industry funding. Compared with societal costs, migraine received the least public funds amongst all brain disorders, i.e. 0.025%. We conclude that migraine attracts reasonable interest from the pharmaceutical industry, but Governmental and charity funding is extremely low and no funding was identified for non-migraine headache disorders. Considering the huge economic impact of these disorders, public funding of research into migraine and other headaches should be greatly increased in the future.


SAGE Publications


Clinical Neurology,General Medicine

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