1. 1. J. R. B. Goodman, and J. Krislov , 'Conciliation in Industrial Disputes in Great Britain: A Survey of the Attitudes of the Parties '.British Journal of Industrial Relations, 1974 , pp.327 -51 .
2. 2. W. Paynter , 'Is There a Future for Conciliation and Arbitration ?'.Personnel Management. 1972 .
3. 3. ACASFirst Annual Report 1975.Appendix B.
4. 4. TUC Policy Statement ,Collective Bargaining and the Social Contract, 1974 . When it was first set up in September 1974, ACAS was known as the Conciliation and Arbitration Service. It changed to its current title in January 1975.
5. 5. L. C. Hunter , 'Economic Issues in Conciliation and Arbitration '.British Journal of Industrial Relations. 1977 , pp.226 -45 .