1. 3rd Department of Internal Medicine; Hungarian Angioedema Center; Semmelweis University; Budapest Hungary
2. Hemophilia Center Rhine Main; Moerfelden-Walldorf Germany
3. Department of Dermatology; University Medical Center Mainz; Mainz Germany
4. Departments of Medicine and Paediatrics; University of Calgary; Calgary AB Canada
5. Department of Medicine, Pediatrics and Graduate Studies; Penn State University; Hershey PA USA
6. Department of Pediatrics; Duke University Medical Center; Durham NC USA
7. Department of Immunology and Histocompatibility; School of Health Sciences; Faculty of Medicine; University of Thessaly; Larissa Greece
8. Outpatient Group of Recurrent Infections; Faculty of Medicine ABC; Santo Andre SP Brazil
9. 1st Department of Pediatrics; Semmelweis University; Budapest Hungary
10. Department of Biomedical and Clinical Sciences “Luigi Sacco”; University of Milan, ASST Fatebenefratelli Sacco; Milan Italy