1. Department of Ecology; Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences; SE-75007 Uppsala Sweden
2. CSIRO; GPO Box 2583 Brisbane QLD 4001 Australia
3. Wageningen University and Research; Plant Ecology and Nature Conservation Group; NL-6708 PB Wageningen The Netherlands
4. Wageningen University and Research; Alterra; NL-6708 PB Wageningen The Netherlands
5. MTA Centre for Ecological Research; Institute of Ecology and Botany; Lendület Ecosystem Services Research Group; Alkotmány u. 2-4 H-2163 Vácrátót Hungary
6. Department of Biology; Lund University; SE-223 62 Lund Sweden
7. MTA-ELTE-MTM Ecology Research Group; Eötvös Loránd University; Biological Institute; Pázmány Péter sétány 1/C Budapest H-1117 Hungary
8. Policy and Development; Centre for Agri-Environment Research; School of Agriculture; University of Reading; Reading RG6 6AR UK
9. University of Padova; DAFNAE; viale dell'Università 16 35020 Legnaro Padova Italy
10. Department of Animal Ecology and Tropical Biology; University of Würzburg; Biocenter Am Hubland 97074 Würzburg Germany
11. Poznan University of Life Sciences; Institute of Zoology; Wojska Polskiego 78/c Poznan 60-625 Poland
12. Centre for Environmental and Climate Research (CEC); Lund University; Lund SE- 22362 Sweden
13. Department of Terrestrial Ecology; Netherlands Institute of Ecology NIOO KNAW; NL-6700 AB Wageningen The Netherlands
14. Wageningen University and Research; Laboratory of Nematology; NL-6700 ES Wageningen The Netherlands