A cytosystematic study of theDianthus virgineuscomplex (Caryophyllaceae) in the Central Mediterranean


Franzoni Jacopo1ORCID,Astuti Giovanni2ORCID,Bacchetta Gianluigi3ORCID,Barone Giulio4ORCID,Bartolucci Fabrizio5ORCID,Bernardo Liliana6ORCID,Carta Angelino1ORCID,Conti Fabio5ORCID,Domina Gianniantonio4ORCID,Frajman Božo7ORCID,Giusso del Galdo Gianpietro8ORCID,Iamonico Duilio9ORCID,Iberite Mauro9ORCID,Minuto Luigi10ORCID,Sarigu Marco3ORCID,Terlević Ana11ORCID,Turini Alessia1,Varaldo Lucia10,Volgger Daniel7,Peruzzi Lorenzo1ORCID


1. PLANTSEED Lab, Department of Biology University of Pisa Via Derna 1 Pisa 56126 Italy

2. Botanic Garden and Museum University of Pisa Via Luca Ghini 13 Pisa 56126 Italy

3. Department of Life and Environmental Sciences, Centre for Conservation of Biodiversity (CCB) University of Cagliari Viale S. Ignazio da Laconi 11‐13 Cagliari 09123 Italy

4. Department of Agricultural, Food, and Forest Sciences University of Palermo Viale delle Scienze, ed. 4 Palermo 90128 Italy

5. Floristic Research Centre of the Apennines (School of Bioscience and Veterinary Medicine University of Camerino—Gran Sasso and Monti della Laga National Park) Via Prov. Km 4.2, 67021 Barisciano L'Aquila Italy

6. DiBEST University of Calabria Arcavacata di Rende Cosenza 87030 Italy

7. Department of Botany University of Innsbruck Sternwartestraße 15 Innsbruck A‐6020 Austria

8. Department of Geological, Biological and Environmental Sciences University of Catania Via A. Longo 19 Catania 95125 Italy

9. Department of Environmental Biology Sapienza University of Roma Piazzale Aldo Moro 5 Roma 00185 Italy

10. DISTAV University of Genova Corso Europa 26 Genova 16132 Italy

11. Department of Biology, Faculty of Science University of Zagreb Trg Marka Marulića 20/II Zagreb 10000 Croatia


AbstractEuropean wild carnations (Dianthus) are represented by a high number of taxa organized in unresolved taxonomies. In particular, taxa belonging to theDianthus virgineusL. complex in the Central Mediterranean have been delimited mainly with qualitative morphological data and still await quantitative investigations, which are vital to understand boundaries and relations among plant diversity groups. Here, we examine the phenotypic features of nuclear genome organization testing for species boundaries in this complex. We have studied the chromosome number, the total haploid length (THL), and the relative genome size (RGS) in 122 populations belonging to 25 out of 33 taxa of the complex. All the studied populations have 2n = 2x = 30 chromosomes, and the THL ranges from 14.09 to 20.71 μm. Genome size estimations support the absence of polyploidization events, but show a certain degree of variation (0.318–0.423 arbitrary units). The RGS variation is not in agreement with current taxonomic treatment, but rather shows a geographical pattern, with higher values in Sicily and Sardinia. No correlation between the THL and the RGS was detected, possibly due to the stable chromosome number and the small size of chromosomes. A number of evolutionary unique groups lower than the number of currently accepted taxa may be hypothesized.




Plant Science,Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics

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