1. Tanzania Wildlife Research Institute (TAWIRI); Box 661 Arusha Tanzania
2. Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA); Department of Wildlife Management; P.O. Box 3073 Morogoro Tanzania
3. University of Dar es Salaam (UDSM); Department of Zoology and Wildlife Conservation; P.O. Box 35064 Dar es Salaam Tanzania
4. Ministry of Natural Resources and Tourism (MNRT); Division of Policy & Planning; P.O. Box 9372 Dar es Salaam Tanzania
5. University of Dodoma (UDOM); School of Biological Sciences, College of Natural and Mathematical Sciences; P.O. Box 259 Dodoma Tanzania
6. Ngorongoro Conservation Area Authority; (NCAA); P.O. Box 1 Ngorongoro Crater Arusha Tanzania
7. Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU); Department of Biology; NO 7491 Trondheim Norway