1. Department of Safety Research on Blood and Biological Products; National Institute of Infectious Diseases; Tokyo Japan
2. Department of Computational Biology and Medical Sciences; Graduate School of Frontier Sciences; The University of Tokyo; Tokyo Japan
3. Department of Rare Diseases Research; Institute of Medical Science; St. Marianna University School of Medicine; Kawasaki Japan
4. Department of Laboratory Medicine; Nagasaki University Hospital; Nagasaki Japan
5. Department of Rheumatology; Infectious Diseases and Laboratory Medicine; University of Miyazaki; Miyazaki Japan
6. Division of Molecular Pathology; Center for Chronic Viral Diseases; Kagoshima University; Kagoshima Japan
7. Department of Laboratory Medicine; Kumamoto University Hospital; Kumamoto Japan
8. Central Blood Institute; Blood Service Headquarters; Japanese Red Cross Society; Tokyo Japan
9. Department of Infection and Immunology; SRL Inc.; Tokyo Japan
10. Department of Hematology; Imamura General Hospital; Kagoshima Japan
11. Department of Hematology; Osaka General Hospital of West Japan Railway Company; Osaka Japan
12. Department of Hematology; Oita University Hospital; Oita Japan
13. Division of Hematology and Immunology; Center for Chronic Viral Diseases; Kagoshima University; Kagoshima Japan
14. Rakuwakai Kyoto Medical Examination Center; Kyoto Japan
15. Department of Hematology; Kumamoto University of Medicine; Kumamoto Japan
16. Department of Hematology and Oncology; Research Hospital, Institute of Medical Science; The University of Tokyo; Tokyo Japan
17. Department of Frontier Life Science; Nagasaki University Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences; Nagasaki Japan
18. Japanese Red Cross Kyushu Block Blood Center; Fukuoka Japan
19. Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology; Nagasaki University Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences; Nagasaki Japan
20. Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology; University of Toyama; Toyama Japan
21. Department of Advanced Medical Innovation; Graduate School of Medicine; St. Marianna University; Kawasaki Japan