1. R.V. Birnie, 1983 .Mapping bracken(Pteridium aquilinum)infestation in Scotland: an assessment of remote sensing based mapping techniques. Proceedings of the Symposium of the IPS Commission I, Aberdeen, Scotland, September 12-15, 1983, pp.115 -126 .
2. R.V. Birnie, 1984 . The extent of bracken encroachment in Scotland . Abstract of paper presented to Symposium on 'The Economics of Hill Farming and the Benefits of Bracken Clearance', organised by May & Baker Ltd, Edinburgh, 5 April 1984.
3. K.W. Braid, 1959 .Bracken - a review of the literature. Commonwealth Bureau of Pastures and Field Crops Mimeographed Publication 3/1959.
4. T.V. Callaghan, G.J. Lawson, and R. Scott, 1981 .Bracken as an energy crop?Proceedings of the International Solar Energy Congress, Brighton, 23-28 August, 1981, pp.1239 -1247 .