1. Radiology Department Sheba Medical Center, Sheba Tel Ha'shomer Ramat‐gan Israel
2. The Oncology Institute Sheba Medical Center, Sheba Tel Ha'shomer Ramat‐gan Israel
3. Meirav High Risk Clinic Department of Diagnostic Imaging, Chaim Sheba Medical Center Ramat‐gan Israel
4. Department of Nuclear Medicine Sheba Medical Center, Sheba Tel Ha'shomer Ramat‐gan Israel
5. The Susanne Levy Gertner Oncogenetics Unit Sheba Medical Center, Sheba Tel Ha'shomer Ramat‐gan Israel
6. The Sackler school of medicine Tel‐Aviv University Tel‐Aviv Israel
7. Breast Cancer Radiation Therapy Unit Sheba Medical Center, Sheba Tel Ha'shomer Ramat‐gan Israel
8. GROW‐School for Oncology and Developmental Biology (Maastro Maastricht University Maastricht The Netherlands