1. Functional and Oncologic Colorectal Unit; Department of Emergency and Organ Transplantation; University Aldo Moro of Bari; Bari Italy
2. Interdepartmental Research Unit for Pelvic Floor Disease (CIRPAP); University Aldo Moro of Bari; Bari Italy
3. Department of General Surgery Coloproctological Unit; University of Catania; Catania Italy
4. Department of Surgery; University Hospital of Tor Vergata ‘PTV’; Rome Italy
5. Proctological and Perineal Surgery Unit; Cisanello University Hospital; Pisa Italy
6. Unit of Coloproctology; Department of General Surgery; Sanremo Hospital; Sanremo Italy
7. Proctology Unit; University Hospital ‘A. Gemelli’; Catholic University; Rome Italy
8. Department of General Surgery; Degli Infermi Hospital; Biella Italy