Fire as a fundamental ecological process: Research advances and frontiers


McLauchlan Kendra K.1ORCID,Higuera Philip E.2ORCID,Miesel Jessica3ORCID,Rogers Brendan M.4ORCID,Schweitzer Jennifer5ORCID,Shuman Jacquelyn K.6ORCID,Tepley Alan J.2ORCID,Varner J. Morgan7ORCID,Veblen Thomas T.8ORCID,Adalsteinsson Solny A.9ORCID,Balch Jennifer K.8ORCID,Baker Patrick10ORCID,Batllori Enric11ORCID,Bigio Erica12,Brando Paulo13ORCID,Cattau Megan14ORCID,Chipman Melissa L.15ORCID,Coen Janice6ORCID,Crandall Raelene16ORCID,Daniels Lori17ORCID,Enright Neal18ORCID,Gross Wendy S.19ORCID,Harvey Brian J.20ORCID,Hatten Jeff A.21ORCID,Hermann Sharon22ORCID,Hewitt Rebecca E.23ORCID,Kobziar Leda N.24ORCID,Landesmann Jennifer B.25ORCID,Loranty Michael M.26ORCID,Maezumi S. Yoshi27ORCID,Mearns Linda6ORCID,Moritz Max28ORCID,Myers Jonathan A.9ORCID,Pausas Juli G.29ORCID,Pellegrini Adam F. A.30ORCID,Platt William J.31ORCID,Roozeboom Jennifer1,Safford Hugh32,Santos Fernanda33ORCID,Scheller Robert M.34ORCID,Sherriff Rosemary L.35ORCID,Smith Kevin G.36ORCID,Smith Melinda D.37ORCID,Watts Adam C.38ORCID


1. Department of Geography and Geospatial Sciences Kansas State University Manhattan KS USA

2. Department of Ecosystem and Conservation Sciences University of Montana Missoula MT USA

3. Department of Plant, Soil and Microbial Sciences Michigan State University East Lansing MI USA

4. Woods Hole Research Center Falmouth MA USA

5. Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology University of Tennessee Knoxville TN USA

6. National Center for Atmospheric Research Boulder CO USA

7. Tall Timbers Research Station and Land Conservancy Tallahassee FL USA

8. Department of Geography University of Colorado Boulder CO USA

9. Tyson Research Center Department of Biology Washington University in St. Louis St. Louis MO USA

10. School of Ecosystem and Forest Sciences University of Melbourne Melbourne Vic. Australia

11. Center for Ecological Research and Forestry Applications Bellaterra Spain

12. Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Science University of Nevada Reno NV USA

13. Department of Earth System Science University of California Irvine CA USA

14. Human‐Environment Systems Boise State University Boise ID USA

15. Department of Earth Sciences Syracuse University Syracuse NY USA

16. School of Forest Resources and Conservation University of Florida Gainesville FL USA

17. Department of Forest and Conservation Sciences University of British Columbia Vancouver BC USA

18. Conservation and Environment Murdoch University Perth WA Australia

19. National Centers for Environmental Information Asheville NC USA

20. School of Environmental and Forest Sciences University of Washington Seattle WA USA

21. Department of Forest Engineering, Resources and Management Oregon State University Corvallis OR USA

22. Department of Biological Sciences Auburn University Auburn AL USA

23. Center for Ecosystem Science and Society Northern Arizona University Flagstaff AZ USA

24. Department of Natural Resources and Society University of Idaho Moscow ID USA

25. INIBIOMAUniversidad Nacional del ComahueCONICET Neuquen Argentina

26. Department of Geography Colgate University Hamilton NY USA

27. Ecosystem and Landscape Dynamics University of Amsterdam Amsterdam the Netherlands

28. Bren School of Environmental Science and Management University of California Santa Barbara CA USA

29. CIDE‐CSIC Valencia Spain

30. Department of Earth System Science Stanford University Stanford CA USA

31. Division of Systematics, Ecology and Evolution Louisiana State University Baton Rouge LA USA

32. USDA Forest Service Pacific Southwest Region Vallejo CA USA

33. School of Natural Sciences University of California‐Merced Merced CA USA

34. Department of Forestry and Environmental Resources North Carolina State University Raleigh NC USA

35. Department of Geography, Environment and Spatial Analysis Humboldt State University Arcata CA USA

36. Department of Biology Davidson College Davidson NC USA

37. Department of Biology Colorado State University Fort Collins CO USA

38. Division of Atmospheric Sciences Desert Research Institute Reno NV USA


Division of Environmental Biology




Plant Science,Ecology,Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics

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