1. Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique Université de Rennes, Research Unit UMR 6553, Ecosystèmes Biodiversité Evolution (ECOBIO) Rennes France
2. Field Station Fabrikschleichach, Chair of Conservation Biology and Forest Ecology, Biocenter University of Würzburg Rauhenebrach Germany
3. Department of Integrative Ecology, EBD‐CSIC Doñana Biological Station Seville Spain
4. cE3c—Centre for Ecology, Evolution and Environmental Changes & CHANGE—Global Change and Sustainability Institute, Faculty of Sciences University of Lisbon Lisbon Portugal
5. Department of Zoology University of Cambridge Cambridge UK
6. School of Biology Indian Institute of Science Education and Research Thiruvananthapuram Thiruvananthapuram Kerala India
7. School of Biodiversity, One Health and Veterinary Medicine University of Glasgow Glasgow UK
8. Faculty of Biology, Department of Systematic Zoology, Institute of Environmental Biology, A. Mickiewicz University in Poznań, Ul Uniwersytetu Poznańskiego Poznań Poland