Topology and functional characterization of major outer membrane proteins of Treponema maltophilum and Treponema lecithinolyticum


Anselmi Natalie K.1ORCID,Vanyo Stephen T.1,Clark Nicholas D.2ORCID,Rodriguez Dayron M. Leyva1ORCID,Jones Megan M.1,Rosenthal Sara1,Patel Dhara3,Marconi Richard T.3ORCID,Visser Michelle B.1ORCID


1. Department of Oral Biology, School of Dental Medicine University at Buffalo, The State University of New York Buffalo New York USA

2. Department of Structural Biology, Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences University at Buffalo, The State University of New York Buffalo New York USA

3. Department of Microbiology and Immunology Virginia Commonwealth University Medical Center Richmond Virginia USA


AbstractNumerous Treponema species are prevalent in the dysbiotic subgingival microbial community during periodontitis. The major outer sheath protein is a highly expressed virulence factor of the well‐characterized species Treponema denticola. Msp forms an oligomeric membrane protein complex with adhesin and porin properties and contributes to host–microbial interaction. Treponema maltophilum and Treponema lecithinolyticum species are also prominent during periodontitis but are relatively understudied. Msp‐like membrane surface proteins exist in T. maltophilum (MspA) and T. lecithinolyticum (MspTL), but limited information exists regarding their structural features or functionality. Protein profiling reveals numerous differences between these species, but minimal differences between strains of the same species. Using protein modeling tools, we predict MspA and MspTL monomeric forms to be large β‐barrel structures composed of 20 all‐next‐neighbor antiparallel β strands which most likely adopt a homotrimer formation. Using cell fractionation, Triton X‐114 phase partitioning, heat modifiability, and chemical and detergent release assays, we found evidence of amphiphilic integral membrane‐associated oligomerization for both native MspA and MspTL in intact spirochetes. Proteinase K accessibility and immunofluorescence assays demonstrate surface exposure of MspA and MspTL. Functionally, purified recombinant MspA or MspTL monomer proteins can impair neutrophil chemotaxis. Expressions of MspA or MspTL with a PelB leader sequence in Escherichia coli also demonstrate surface exposure and can impair neutrophil chemotaxis in an in vivo air pouch model of inflammation. Collectively, our data demonstrate that MspA and MspTL membrane proteins can contribute to pathogenesis of these understudied oral spirochete species.


National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research









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