Barriers to palliative care in hepatocellular carcinoma: A review of the literature


Abasseri Mostafa1ORCID,Hoque Shakira2,Slavica Kochovska BA34,Caldwell Kim5,Sheahan Linda6789,Zekry Amany128


1. School of Medicine and Health UNSW Sydney New South Wales Australia

2. Gastroenterology and Hepatology Department St George Hospital Sydney New South Wales Australia

3. Faculty of Science, Medicine and Health University of Wollongong Wollongong New South Wales Australia

4. IMPACCT, Faculty of Health University of Technology Sydney New South Wales Australia

5. Palliative Medicine Calvary Hospital Kogarah Kogarah New South Wales Australia

6. Clinical Ethics Service South Eastern Sydney Local Health District Randwick New South Wales Australia

7. Sydney Health Ethics The University of Sydney Camperdown New South Wales Australia

8. UNSW Medicine & Health, St George and Sutherland Clinical Campus

9. Palliative Medicine Department, St George Hospital Sydney New South Wales Australia


AbstractHepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is a deadly and burdensome form of liver cancer with an increasing global prevalence. Its course is unpredictable as it frequently occurs in the context of underlying end‐stage liver disease, and the associated symptoms and adverse effects of treatment cause severe suffering for patients. Palliative care (PC) is a medical specialty that addresses the physical, emotional, and spiritual needs of patients and their carers in the context of life‐limiting illness. In other cancers, a growing body of evidence has demonstrated that the early introduction of PC at diagnosis improves patient and carer outcomes. Despite this, the integration of palliative care at the diagnosis of HCC remains suboptimal, as patients usually receive PC only at the very terminal phase of their disease, even when diagnosed early. Significant barriers to the uptake of palliative care in the treatment algorithm of hepatocellular carcinoma fall under four main themes: data limitations, disease, clinician, and patient factors. Barriers relating to data limitations mainly encapsulated the risk of bias inherent in published work in the field of PC. Clinician‐reported barriers related to negative attitudes towards PC and a lack of time for PC discussions. Barriers related to the disease align with prognostic uncertainty due to the unpredictable course of HCC. Significantly, there exists a paucity of evidence exploring patient‐perceived barriers to timely PC implementation in HCC. Given that patients are often the underrepresented stakeholder in the delivery of PC, future research should explore the patient perspective in adequately designed qualitative studies as the first step.











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